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“The Art of Structuring”

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Bridging the Gap Between Information Systems

This book, written by Katrin Bergener, Michael Räckers and Armin Stein, provides multi-dimensional views on the role of structure in Information Systems.

They describe how structuring can be and should be done so as to foster communication and collaboration. The topics covered reflect various layers of structure that can serve as bridges: models, processes, data, organizations, and technologies. In turn, these aspects are complemented by visionary outlooks on how structure influences the field. 

Within the chapter Blackboxing Data—Conceptualizing Data-Driven Exploration from a Business Perspective, they outline a data blackboxing research agenda that includes our Data Use Case Canvas.

Reference actor in fermentation


Many companies use the DUCC® to define and frame their data projects. Among them is a world leader in fermentation.

The DUCC® has enabled our company’s employees to develop their businesses and data needs, to put digital tools at the service of production, and to draw up a data/IA roadmap in agreement with all those involved, both IT and data science, in a vision of mutual understanding, thus maximising the chances of project success.
— Project Manager
We finally managed to understand each other better thanks to this tool.
— Data Scientist